Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

What is Adsense


what is adsense is a common question that comes out of our minds if we do not know. Adsense is a program based ppc or pay per click from google for us. we can use adsense as a sponsor of our blog or website like at the top of my blog, hehehe .. we can earn money through google adsense if the ads in your website or blog clicked by reader, the price per click advertising is different.
if you want to make a google adsense account you must have a gmail account. if you do not already you can register here. after you have gmail you can directly register google adsense. read my article for adsense sign up in 10 minutes do the old way. adsense is a party that we can use to get money other than affiliate programs. many successful bloggers based online business like google adsense or other ppc, pcp, affiliate programs, or other-based.
good luck ..

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