adsense ads not appearing is feared the publiser. sometimes we make mistakes do not realize, for example, accidentally clicking on an adsense ad and a few other reasons. sometimes we also do not know the cause of our adsense does not show up it is so makes the publisher discouraged. There are several causes of adsense ads do not appear:
1. your content violate AdSense tos.
what is adsense tos? adsense tos are the rules and policies set by the AdSense publishers told us to obey. we detected contain violent content, intimidate, sell liquor or drugs, etc..
2. we use language does not support by AdSense. on the list of AdSense privacy has been given a list of languages that are allowed.
3. copy paste articles. we are forbidden to copy paste and it is so hated by AdSense. for violating copyright if we do not give the source of our articles.
4. Your article got banned. This is often experienced by publisher when AdSense ads on their blogs or sites do not appear.
5. we do not accidentally click your own adsense ads. the solution immediately report to the adsense. sometimes the adsense even encourages us to try sometimes.
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2 komentar:
Thank you for your comment on my blog.
I do not know how to speak English so forgive me for my "English"
A great afternoon, come back often!
hello Tety, .. I know you from brazil ... and am from Indonesia ... I also can't speak english well ... so just fun...thank you also for coming ... kiss behind too you Tety.. i like your blogg...
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